Accidente en la A8
26 de marzo de 2008
Por la mañana... En la mañana.... Un amigo de noche sin dormir. Buscamos un tesoro en la playa. La esperanza de una sonrisa, la ternura y la aventura. Encontramos tesoros, encontramos personas, personas que quizás nunca volvamos a ver. El abuelo que repartía sal, el hombre de Madrid sólo y la chica de Gales con sonrisa agradable. Y por último el amigo de noche, con sus besos sorpresa y sus caricias. Encuentros fortuítos. La magia de hablar con desconocidos. Todos vosotros, tesoros de personas, siempre, siempre, estaréis en mí.
En el mundo del Rey Lagarto, la derrota había anunciado un destino seguro. La guerra había acabado. Y ya no quedaba nada. Los ríos callaron, y en la ladera de los Arces ya no había olor a mar como antes. Todo estaba vacío y estaba dormido. Nadie decoraba sus cuerpos y todos sentían el aire pesado. Así pasaron meses de desasosiego y estancamiento. Todos los reptiles sentían el húmedo calor del desierto invadiendo los valles y sus visiones se volvieron lánguidas y enpequeñecidas.
Así fue, hasta que, un tedioso día, el Rey Lagarto, saliendo a su balcón, sintió que el vacio era tal, que nada más podía languidecer. "Debajo, de todo, siempre hay una semilla! Sí!! Nada es eterno, aunque a veces nos lo parezca. Hay un fondo para el pozo. Siempre hay un espacio para el cambio. Incluso después del invierno más crudo. Las horas de sol siempre vuelven para germinar nuevos frutos, que alimentarán a nuestras presas".
El Rey Lagarto, con su porte sediento y escamoso, se llenó de un nuevo brillo. Su piel se iluminó y sus ojos hablaron con intensidad a la multitud que esperaba el anual discurso del líder y fundador del mundo Lagarto.
"Queridos compañeros de piel. Sé que han sido unos tiempos duros. Puedo ver en vuestros ojos que ya no sentís la alegría de los comienzos de nuestro pequeño mundo. La guerra ha dejado huellas. Quiero que sepáis, que sí, habéis perdido todo, pero hoy anunció que a partir de hoy seremos grandes. Seremos grandes porque lo hemos perdido todo, y ya no queda nada. Lo hemos perdido todo, pero aún podemos AMAR".
Cuando la palabra AMAR, salió del hocico del lagarto, todo se hizo silencio. El vació se llenó de algo nuevo. Una tormenta celestial comenzó a inundar aquel mundo una vez seco y desértico. Bandadas de pájaros multicolores se lanzaron al viento y bañaron a todo el mundo con el aliento rojo.
En las sucesivas semanas todo cambió. Hubo ensoñaciones y flujos de amor carnal en cada esquina del mundo lagarto. Todo eran anhelos y magias de piel. Había abrazos y susurros de ternura e inhalaciones granate. Todo, como bien me relata mi amigo Rey Lagarto, era plenitud estática. (¿Lo habéis sentido alguna vez?, me pregunta el rey de los reptiles, a medida que me va relatando. Amor si dolor, sin dolor porque ya se ha perdido todo, las pieles, las escamas y las casas. Amor sin dolor, porque en la nada hay el todo).
Este estado permaneció en las almas de todos por cuarenta días y cuarenta noches. Hasta que un día, un camaleón, encima de su colorida amante, comenzó a dudar. Dudaron de la duración de ese estado de enamoramiento absoluto. ¿Cuánto falta para que se termine?, se preguntaban ya unos cuantos al final de ese 41 día. Los árboles comenzaron a perder sus hojas, y un aroma de insatisfacción comenzó, viperinamente, a alcanzar a todos los que allí habitaban. Los camaleones se volvieron de nuevo grises y la serpiente no perdió su piel esa estación. Todo comenzó a estancarse de nuevo (el Rey Lagarto intenta hacerme entender ese nuevo estado de desmoronamiento y me pone un hielo derretido en la mano).
Así que todos los reptiles volvieron a ennegrecer y meterse en sus caparazones o enterrarse bajo la ardiente arena. ¿Qué había sido de aquellos 40 días? ¿Acaso es todo temporal?
Como en todas las historias, tal y como me relata el Rey Lagarto, siempre hay un oráculo que nos muestra el camino. En esta historia, el oráculo tomó forma de ballena dorada. Esta ballena dorada, de nombre Dora, recaló en las rocosas costas cercanas a la torre del Rey Lagarto. Y el evento fue el siguiente. La ballena, al amerizar, inspiró muy fuerte. Tan fuerte que se llevo consigo ¡todo el aire del mundo lagarto!. (todos los reptiles, recuerda nuestro amigo rey, se volvieron morados, e inmediatamente después, verde bilis). La ballena, inspiró hasta que supo que tenía toda la atención de todos los reptiles. Los reptiles, ya casi moribundos, oyeron decir a la ballena:" ¡BASTA YAAAAAAAAA, el recuerdo de esos cuarenta días está vivo! ¡Daros cuenta!".
Después de esta sentencia, la ballena dorada exhaló profunda y suavemente, (el Rey Lagarto, siempre recuerda esta ballena como muy poderosa y temperamental. Y recuerda una canción que esta solía cantar en las noches de verano a los marineros solitarios. "Los ríos de luz morada limpian siempre al pez de plata, lalala").
Tras este gran suspiro-exhalación, todo comenzó a llenarse de un aire limpio y puro como la brisa en un día de abril. De nuevo el viento meció dulcemente los árboles en famosa ladera de los arces, y el mar se hizo brillo. Si..............shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, silencio.
El silencio de la creación, de nuevo, había vuelto al planeta del Rey Lagarto.
Y colorín colorado, este cuento ha terminado. El mundo se hizo UNO, y la luna siguió soñando.
(Post-data: Gracias, Rey Lagarto)
Playa de Laredo, Febrero 2008
There was a time when the little hamlet of Abedruid had not seen evil in its lanes for such a long time, that children did not cry anymore, snakes sang songs together with the mice and thieves stole solely air from the skies. It was a common practice that all the abedruidians watched together the sunsets and sunrises before and after their daily labour. Everyone shared their bread and ate together randomly, one day with Soleris, other day with Brigid, other day with the almighty druid or the bard. Yuri was one of the most sought after bards in the hamlet. He was shy like a winter sun, but bright and charming as the chariot of fire of the God Sun during the Harvest months. Yuri, shone from within, and enchanted everyone with his smile.
But the day came when Yuri took part in a long journey that became the most famous adventure in the Valley of Abealley. It all started on n a Monday, on the 12th moon of the year, when a dull and grey haired women named Lessness fell down in the corner between Hope Lane and Carpenter's Way in Abedruid, due to some strange coincidence that we are unable to trace back in the records of the hamlet. Suddenly, the women shouted with such despair that the ringing voice of a red robin crystallized with horror in the air of the winter month. No one had ever heard such a strange and fearful voice along the Valley of Abealley. “I cannot stand up, it hurts so much. What am I going to do now? Who will feed my kids? Oh, I feel useless. I dread my future”.
From that day, the illness spread like madness. There were “ Life is mean” shouts mixed up with “I cannot fight it anymore” squeaky voices. Also they appeared “What on the Almighty heaven I am suppose to do know?” exclamations and “I am so tired, so useless. I cannot do anything right” moan-ations. Yuri was already starting to lose the vitality that characterized every single abedrurian before that Monday in the 12th moon of the year, when he decided to escape. His feet ran wild with the northern wind, and concluded that he will not stop untill he found the method to destroy the hopelessness state that was invading the once beautiful and cheerful Abedruid. Hopelessness was the word that the ancients in the council decided to give to the illness in honor of the place where the event happened, Hope Lane, and the name of the shocked lady, Mrs. Less Ness. This malady was already threatening to invade other lands outside the hamlet walls of Abedruid. It was reported that a cow called Lucinda, owned by Pedriad, the Sheppard in the neighbour hamlet of Solaid,located around three abe-miles of the centre of Abedruid, gave up giving birth to a calf exclaiming “What is the point!!” in the cow language. The phenomenon was taken national dimensions, it was not just an isolated matter from a once tiny lovely hamlet.
Yuri started his fugitive journey. He was running and running madly as if a tunnel vision had possesed his soul, when he was forced to stop in this trip to salvation by and old lady. The lady, dressed in black, was lying down in a very strange position , and decided to help her, he was more or less around 100 abe-miles of the hamlet.
“Oh, my dear old folk, is there something I can do for you?” , said Yuri in a mild and low like a breeze wind tone.
“There is nothing you can do, I fall down, uahhhhhhh, and no one can ever help me, as I carry too much weight, uahhhhh, so much weight no one will ever be able to carry it”, moaned Dharra, the name of this little hope women.
“I am sure I can help, it cannot be that heavy”, whispered Yuri with an uncertain voice.
“The weight I carry is the weight of exactly ten tonnes of water from my tears, as told by the sorcerer doctor, that have been accumulating in my eyes over the years. If I blink once more, I will create a wave so big that will destroy my beloved son’s house, just down the lane from here”.
“OHHHH, I can see your despair. Are you sure is there nothing I can do for you?”, uttered Yuri.
“There is nothing you can do”, stated Dharra.
As soon as she said those words, the sky became dark as a mother’s womb, and began pouring rain so hard that the frogs stopped jumping and started swimming in the lane where they both were talking. Suddenly, like 1,000 thunders, Dharra began to cry. The wave was so big that reached the height of ten oaks one on top of each other. But something mischievously wonderful happened. The rain suddenly stopped as if the switch was turned off, and a chilling wind came from the north, freezing the humongous wave, just before it hit the roof of her son’s house. It was so cold that the deer grunts were hunging in the air like rugged puppets in a theatre. The silence was the only presence at that point. In the midst of that haven of silence Yuri had a thought.” Could that we the answer to the hopelessness problem? This woman was scared of letting go of the tears, she just needed to release! How long had she been not crying to accumulate so much sorrow?”.
Abruptly, the women stood up, out of the shock, and stared at the ice wave. “My God, as soon as the summer comes, we will all we destroyed by the melting ice salty water from my tears”, nagged Dharra.
Yuri could not understand how this woman was not able to see the stroke of luck she just had. “I am sure they will be able to move the house to other place, before the summer comes, it must the illness”, thought in awe Yuri.
He suddenly felt that his trip was starting to have a purpose, not just an escape call from the sickness. He was beginning to see how to solve the problem. No matter what had happened, this woman would still see sadness, even if God Almighty came to Earth and drained all her tears, she will still be worried about something. So the solution was not in having the problems solved. Where was it then? He decided to leave Dharra, as there is nothing you can do when someone is in a hopelessness state, and walked further. Yuri walked and walked and walked. The days passed and he did not seem to find a solution to his dilemma. The night came, and was dark and cold . He leaned in a tree. It was a birch. The birch is well-known for being a great companion of lonely travellers in the winter months, especially when the 13th Month is approaching, the last of the year. The birch shivered as the cold harp of the bard touched its white beautiful tree skin. “Would you be so kind to remove the harp from my trunk, and to play and sing for me? It has been a hard windy day today. And I need some peace of sap today”, murmured the birch with his deep voice.
Yuri has not talked with many trees, it is a practice almost always reserved to the druid or the priest or priestess. However he decided to sing, as he felt for his companion.
“ What can I bring you today? Can I bring you hope?
Hope is a place on Earth
Hope is a place in your heart
Hope is the word that moves us all.
What can I bring you today? Can I bring you hope?”
The beautiful lyrics of the bard moved the ancient birch to sing with him.
“If I tell you, then you should already know.
That the place of hope dwells in the poet’s soul, in the mystery of birth that moves us all.
If I tell you, then you should already know.
That the place on Earth is the one that we all long for. It is the one of love”.
After a lot of merry and cheerful singings, the bard felt that the birch could be a great friend indeed, and might be able to give him some practical advice to help him solve the hopelessness state.
The birch, who was one of the senior members in the Lavender Forest, gave Yuri a very good counsel indeed. He prompted him to look for a wise woman who knew a lot about trust, and told him that maybe that is the key to the door he desperately trying to open. Her name was Elvia, she lived in the outskirts of the Lavender Forest, in a beautiful cottage, described by the birch as “charming, surrounded by roses and with a smell similar to gold, if the gold had a smell”.
Yuri walked through the Lavender Forest, contemplating the beauty and harmony of our mother goddess. The path was long. And eternally present. Elvia was the person he was looking for. (to be continued)
Nación celta, Glastonbury 2007
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